Godyence Whitepaper
Godyence, a pioneering PvP game, stands out through its innovative approach that drives its entire ecosystem. Within the Godyence universe, players can delve into their inaugural journey into space exploration, fostering the development of novel space-faring strategies. The adventures within Godyence are not only immensely arduous but also offer boundless possibilities, allowing players to engage in inter-system confrontations, inter-planetary conflicts, and the conquest of planetary terrains as well as new systems, among other adventures. Furthermore, Godyence places a premium on ensuring the security and order of its investors and players.
Godyence Creation
Last updated 1 months ago
Godyence Creation
On one of the days of 2024, when we were searching the galaxies, we accidentally discovered a strange system, we named it Godyence! At first glance, we thought Godyence was a normal system, but it was not. The Godyence system consists of seven planets that each of them has a different feature! You will never be able to watch the Godyence system with a telescope or any other device, but don't worry! We were able to travel to the Godyence system and make this incredible system imaginable for you.
Star and Planets
Last updated 1 months ago
Star and Planets
The Godyence system consists of one star and seven planets.
Many wonders have been discovered in this system, and scientists and visitors are unravelling new mysteries.
We have managed to record some images of these planets secretly; however, we do not have much information about the Godyence star. You might be able to accomplish this mission!
Godyence Creation
Godyence - Nobody Knows
Last updated 1 months ago
Godyence - Nobody Knows
We decided to take a closer look at the Godyence system and get more details about this incredible system, so we boarded our spacecraft with the slogan "Toward the Godyence". We spent many days on this route and encountered many technical problems during this trip, as if Godyence had disappeared and it was all a dream. We were almost disappointed. Just when we had completely given up and felt defeated, Godyence system showed itself to us! Everything was strange, the space conditions had made everything unpredictable and unimaginable. Every step we took forward, we felt more fear, as if we were the first creatures to enter this system. Finally, after many struggles, we decided to fly the flag that we had already designed for this system as the first flag in the Godyence system. We raised the flag with all our power, suddenly...
Star and Planets
Olalo - A Death-Flavored Revenge
Last updated 1 months ago
Olalo - A Death-Flavored Revenge
The atmosphere of the planet Olalo is so disgusting that you might forget about survival once you set foot on it. Olalo wants to take revenge on you for some reasons you will never know as long as you live. But if Olalo kills you, it is a good sign because you can finally find out the reason behind this enmity.
You can smell death more than anything else On Olalo. You should know that there is no mercy on this planet, and cruelty is highly praised there.
Godyence - Nobody Knows
Deozho - A Chance to Experience Opposition
Last updated 1 months ago
Deozho - A Chance to Experience Opposition
Deozho is a planet with two opposing poles. These poles have opposing forces which keep them at war with and apart from each other.
The nature of these forces is unknown, but if you enter either of these poles, they will protect and keep you away from potential dangers. So expect the unexpected.
If you have the chance to enter one of the poles, which one will you choose?
You will not need to answer this question because you play no roles in making this choice.
Olalo - A Death-Flavored Revenge
Yeckta - A Chance For Rebirth
Last updated 1 months ago
Yeckta - A Chance For Rebirth
Yekta has a very peaceful atmosphere. However, this does not mean that you will be safe there. That is because you will disrupt the cycle of peace by entering this planet.
Be very careful and make wise decisions. Try to find the special zone and go on with your adventures.
What do you think is hidden in the special zone?
Is this a trap?
Deozho - A Chance to Experience Opposition
Elinom - Trapped In Wonders, The Line Between Search And Illusion
Last updated 1 months ago
Elinom - Trapped In Wonders, The Line Between Search And Illusion
You will definitely be surprised by how you will enter Elinom. But do not try too much to answer this question because the main question will be how to get out of it.
You had better focus on this questions and set yourself a goal.
Enjoy the beautiful scenery of this planet and do not make any intuitive decisions.
Do not touch or use everyting you see.
Yeckta - A Chance For Rebirth
Nelon- Conspiracy in Commotion
Last updated 1 months ago
Nelon- Conspiracy in Commotion
How will you feel if one day you realize that you have no loyal people or things around you?
Why are you still thinking? You cannot sense it at all because even your nerves are not loyal to you and misguide you with wrong data.
You will have no chances of making any mistakes on Nelon; everyone is your friend and at the same time, your enemy.
It is time to understand that friendship is formed for enmity.
Elinom - Trapped In Wonders, The Line Between Search And Illusion
Coronoe - Immersed in Turbulence, Encouraging To Evolve
Last updated 1 months ago
Coronoe - Immersed in Turbulence, Encouraging To Evolve
In Coronom, time has become an unknown concept. That means time follows no rules, and you will not feel the time there.
So have you become immortal? Yes, no, maybe.
Make sure to pay attention to the small planets inside Coronom; they will be valuable places for you.
Seek unity in Coronom, for your power will be very limited on this planet.
This unity serves the purpose of progress towards success, not sympathy and friendship.
Nelon- Conspiracy in Commotion
Eratoness - Endless Regret
Last updated 1 months ago
Eratoness - Endless Regret
Have you ever wondered where your adventure starts and ends?
In fact, you determined the starting point of this adventure, but you are no longer alone.
Do not be proud of your abilities and surrender to power.
There are valuable resources on Eratonos; you are undoubtedly one of them.
You will be on Eratonos longer, so you will have to change your strategies and practice constantly.
Every beginning leads to an end, but Eratonos accompanies you to infinity.
Coronoe - Immersed in Turbulence, Encouraging To Evolve
Last updated 1 months ago
In the illustrious world of Godyence's magnificent game, seven characters have been introduced so far. Each of these characters has hidden secrets and plays a crucial role in the intricate storyline of the game, creating a rich and captivating narrative that leaves players eager to see what happens next.
Eratoness - Endless Regret
Xenupit - A wrath beyond revenge
Last updated 1 months ago
Xenupit - A wrath beyond revenge
Xenu has gone through a surprising path to reach the leadership of Olalo. After his family was killed by Ricalfer, he took refuge in the Prenshent pits and declared it his territory. Xenu’s life was completely affected by the grief of losing his family. He completely transformed the space of Olalo and used the favorable weather conditions of Olalo to achieve his personal goals and seize power. It is very difficult to approach and communicate with Xenu, because after the tragedy of Terozho, no one has the courage to meet him. Xenu and his comrades have created a safe space for their territory with their ambitions, but Ricalfer is cunningly seeking power and alliance with other tribes, making it difficult for Xenu and his allies to maintain their power…
Levanzher - Reincarnation to Reach Destiny
Last updated 1 months ago
Levanzher - Reincarnation to Reach Destiny
Levan is remembered as the loneliest character of Deozho. His father is a resident of the Sanjist pole and his mother belongs to the Ponajeist pole. Hence, some people call Leva, Pranlans. (In the local language equivalent to the founder of contradictions). After Levan was born, the rulers of both poles imprisoned his parents, and exiled Leva to turn him into a great danger for survival in their region. Over time, Levan grew up in the forbidden zone and his extraordinary powers evolved. Levan decides to form a trained army with the help of Hostenz to liberate his parents. After a while, an army consisting of Sanjist and Ponajeist rebels are getting ready for battle under the command of Levan and Hostenz, whose plan is revealed...
Xenupit - A wrath beyond revenge
Tranza - The beginning of the dream of blue life
Last updated 1 months ago
Tranza - The beginning of the dream of blue life
Tranza is the purest and most sacred goddess of the Yeckta planet, that this sanctity causes her to be worshiped as a god as well. The witches of Pankos have always hurt her a lot with their spells and introduced themselves as the toughest enemy of Tranza. After her child Maylen was kidnapped by the witches of Pankos, Tranza placed the elixir of blue life in an unknown and hidden place. The elixir of blue life is the most important and valuable desire of all the witches of the Yeckta planet, which gives them absolute power. Tranza, the god of Yeckta, is known for her fair and just decisions, but Maylen is no longer by her side to force Tranza to choose between the survival of the elixir of blue life or Maylen’s freedom…
Levanzher - Reincarnation to Reach Destiny
Caynos - A thunderbolt of addiction
Last updated 1 months ago
Caynos - A thunderbolt of addiction
Cayno was born like any other member of the planet Elinom with a green lightning bolt. After Cayno was born, Nayash, the greatest astronomer, announced that the Green Lightning ceremony will not be held in Elinom for a long time, and all those born from the last Green Lightning will be kept as an eternal generation in Santom palace. Cayno considered solitude and loneliness a unique belief from childhood, so she decided to leave her friends in the eternal generation and escaped from the Santom palace with a clever plan and took refuge in the Elojantaians forest, which was under the control of the Laames knights. The Laames knights were aware of Nayash’s announcement and lured Cayno into a trap with their false promises. After the arrest of Cayno, they sent their conditions to Santom palace for the return of Cayno, but Cayno disappears in the meantime...
Tranza - The beginning of the dream of blue life
Edicense - A trick in the bondage of death
Last updated 1 months ago
Caynos - A thunderbolt of addiction
Edi is the most famous and at the same time the most hated creature in Nelon. There is not much personal information about Edi, because she does not trust anyone and never reveals any information about herself, and all available sources of information can be derived from rumors or local people’s guesses. The reason why Edi is hated is because she is a traitor and this is a strong reason for her to have many enemies. Edi was trapped by the Jaspine tribe during one of her travels, in exchange for her freedom, she promised them the royal lands, which contain very rare and valuable resources. Jesas, the head of the Jaspine tribe, did not trust her and sentenced her to death, which was met with strong opposition from the tribe to think of a new decision for Edi's fate.
Tranza - The beginning of the dream of blue life
Germeld - Exception to creation
Last updated 1 months ago
Germeld - Exception to creation
Ger is the eternal king of Coronoe, who stopped time in Coronoe by manipulating the elements of time to create an endless cycle in Coronoe. In addition to his muscular physique, Ger has a very high intelligence that makes him unpredictable. One of Ger’s important actions was to unite the tribes. By creating proxy wars with the aim of protecting Coronoe against aliens, he was able to promote fundamental beliefs in his region. Ger has a desire to conquer other planets, and his high ambitions have led to the growth of the arms industry. Ger appointed his brother, Wilyorj, as his successor to join the ##NCRL-6137 operation along with the national adventure forces. Valfan, who is eager for leadership, takes advantage of this opportunity and takes power from Wilyorj. After a while, Ger returns from the operation and faces losing his position…
Edicense - A trick in the bondage of death
Midowile - You for me and me for everyone
Last updated 1 months ago
Midowile - You for me and me for everyone
Mido was born in Diemey tribe, which is one of the least populous tribes of Eratoness. Mido is transferred to the Apiklea region by order of his family to join the gypsies of that region and learn their valuable skills and techniques. After Mido learned the necessary skills, he decided to return to his homeland to serve his tribe, but on the way back, he realized that most of his fellow tribesmen had been massacred by the Kenonshi raiders. Mido has entered a strange phase of his life, he has lost all his childhood memories and friends, and is hesitant to choose between revenge or escape from reality. Mido knows well that he cannot fight the Kenonshi raiders alone and also cannot give up the pleasure of revenge. He returns to Apiklea to ask for help from the gypsies in the region, but the gypsies are against his offer. Mido is in Apiklea when an unprecedented disease spreads in Eratoness to cause a more important crisis for Mido…
Germeld - Exception to creation
Gaming Weapon Systems
Last updated 1 months ago
Gaming Weapon Systems
The Godyence game system has intricately woven elements of innovation, player versus player (PvP) gameplay, and space exploration. Among its many features, the system offers players the ability to engage with two distinct types of weapons: discovered weapons and user-produced weapons. One of the key distinctions between these two types is the capacity for upgrade. While discovered weapons can be upgraded, weapons produced by the user cannot undergo this process.
Midowile - You for me and me for everyone
Discovered Weapons
Last updated 1 months ago
Discovered Weapons
Unveiling the Arsenal Discovered weapons in the Godyence game system refer to the arsenal of weapons that players encounter and acquire as they progress through the game. These weapons are characterized by their predefined attributes and functionalities, offering players a diverse range of options to choose from during gameplay. One of the key advantages of discovered weapons is their potential for upgrade, which allows players to enhance the weapons' capabilities and tailor them to their playstyle.
Gaming Weapon Systems
User-Produced Weapons
Last updated 1 months ago
User-Produced Weapons
A Player's Ingenuity
Contrasting with discovered weapons, user-produced weapons are crafted by players within the Godyence system. These weapons are a product of player ingenuity, reflecting individualized design choices and strategic preferences. While user-produced weapons offer a sense of customization and personalization, they lack the ability to undergo upgrades, setting them apart from discovered weapons in terms of scalability and adaptability. Players can also seek assistance from AI when creating these type of weapons.
Discovered Weapons
The Significance of Weapon Upgrades
Last updated 1 months ago
The Significance of Weapon Upgrades
Weapon upgrades play a pivotal role in shaping the gameplay experience within the Godyence system. By allowing players to enhance the attributes and functionalities of discovered weapons, upgrades enable greater efficiency and effectiveness in combat situations. The strategic decision-making involved in choosing which weapons to upgrade adds a layer of complexity to the game, compelling players to optimize their arsenal for maximum impact.
User-Produced Weapons
Strategic Implications in Combat
Last updated 1 months ago
Strategic Implications in Combat
In the context of PvP battles within the Godyence game system, the choice between discovered weapons and user-produced weapons can have strategic implications. While discovered weapons offer the reliability of upgradeability, user-produced weapons provide players with a sense of ownership and creativity. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each weapon type is essential for formulating effective combat strategies and achieving victory in competitive gameplay.
The Significance of Weapon Upgrades
Navigating the Weaponry Landscape
Last updated 1 months ago
Navigating the Weaponry Landscape
As players navigate the diverse weaponry landscape in Godyence, they are challenged to explore the synergies between discovered weapons and user-produced weapons. While discovered weapons serve as the backbone of many players' arsenals, user-produced weapons offer a unique touch of customization that can surprise opponents and turn the tide of battle. By strategically leveraging both weapon types, players can optimize their combat potential and adapt to ever-evolving challenges in the game.
Strategic Implications in Combat
Security & Privacy
Last updated 1 months ago
Security & Privacy
Security and privacy are essential components for projects involving cryptocurrency and digital assets, requiring the implementation of strong measures to protect sensitive information and assets. Safeguarding security and privacy is paramount in the realm of cryptocurrency and digital asset projects like Godyence. Ensuring the safety and protection of valuable information and assets necessitates the implementation of strong and reliable measures.
Navigating the Weaponry Landscape
Security Measures
Last updated 1 months ago
Security Measures

Encryption Protocols
Godyence prioritizes the implementation of robust encryption protocols to secure the data transmitted between players and the game servers. By encrypting sensitive information such as login credentials and in-game transactions, the game mitigates the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems
The integration of firewalls and intrusion detection systems within the Godyence network fortifies its defenses against cyber threats. These mechanisms act as barriers against malicious intrusions, identifying and blocking suspicious activities that may jeopardize the game's security.

Regular Security Audits
Godyence conducts routine security audits to assess the effectiveness of its security measures and identify potential vulnerabilities. By proactively seeking out and addressing security gaps, the game minimizes the likelihood of cyber attacks and data exploits.

Multi-factor Authentication
To enhance user authentication processes, Godyence implements multi-factor authentication mechanisms that require users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing their accounts. This additional layer of security reduces the risk of unauthorized access even in the event of compromised passwords.
Security & Privacy
Privacy Measures
Last updated 1 months ago
Privacy Measures

Data Minimization
Godyence adheres to a strict policy of data minimization, collecting only the necessary information required to deliver its gaming services. By minimizing the collection and retention of user data, the game reduces the potential impact of data breaches and safeguards user privacy.

Anonymization Techniques
To further protect user privacy, Godyence employs anonymization techniques that anonymize user data to prevent the identification of individual players. By anonymizing sensitive information, such as user demographics and in-game activities, the game preserves the anonymity of its users and prevents unauthorized profiling.

Transparent Privacy Policies
Godyence upholds transparent privacy policies that clearly outline how user data is collected, used, and shared within the game ecosystem. By providing users with detailed information about its privacy practices, the game promotes trust and enables players to make informed decisions about their data.

User Consent Mechanisms
Prioritizing user consent, Godyence implements robust consent mechanisms that empower players to control how their data is processed within the game. By seeking explicit consent for data collection and processing activities, Godyence ensures that users have agency over their personal information.
Security Measures
Definition of PvP and P2E games
Last updated 1 months ago
Definition of PvP and P2E games
In the realm of gaming, there exist various genres that cater to different player interests. PvP (Player versus Player) and Play-to-Earn (P2E) games have gained prominence in recent years, revolutionizing the gaming landscape. Godyence stands out as a prominent PvP game that seamlessly integrates innovative gameplay mechanics. By immersing players in a futuristic space travel experience, Godyence offers a unique platform for strategizing and competing.
Privacy Measures
Player-versus-Player (PVP) Games
Last updated 1 months ago
Player-versus-Player (PVP) Games
PvP games emphasize competition and player interaction, with real-time battles testing skills and strategies. Unlike single-player games focused on game design, PvP games challenge players to outsmart human opponents. Success in PvP games relies on a player's proficiency rather than in-game progression, requiring honed abilities and reflexes. This skill-based approach fosters a competitive environment where players strive to improve and outperform each other. PvP games also prioritize strategy, decision-making, and effective tactics to outwit opponents.
Definition of PvP and P2E games
Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games
Last updated 1 months ago
Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games
The emergence of Play-to-Earn (P2E) games marks a paradigm shift in gaming economics. In P2E games, players have the opportunity to earn rewards through gameplay activities, such as completing challenges, participating in battles, or contributing to the game ecosystem. These rewards, often in the form of in-game assets or cryptocurrency tokens, hold tangible value that players can trade or utilize within the game environment. P2E games incentivize active engagement by offering tangible returns for time and skill investments.
Player-versus-Player (PVP) Games
Business Models in PvP Games
Last updated 1 months ago
Business Models in PvP Games
PvP games operate on distinct business models that drive revenue generation. Unlike traditional games with a one-time purchase model, PvP games implement in-game purchases and virtual goods to sustain profitability. These games often feature cosmetic items, character enhancements, or exclusive content that players can acquire through microtransactions. By offering a combination of free-to-play access and purchasable items, PvP games attract a wide player base while monetizing through optional transactions.
Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games
Business Models in P2E Games
Last updated 1 months ago
Business Models in P2E Games
In the gaming industry, business models serve as the foundation for generating revenue and sustaining the development and growth of games. P2E games, in particular, rely heavily on effective business models to incentivize player participation and ensure the viability of the game ecosystem. Common business models in P2E games include blockchain-based systems, tokenomics, and in-game asset economies. These models are designed to reward players for their time and skill investment while providing monetization avenues for game developers.
Business Models in PvP Games
Business Model of Godyence
Last updated 1 months ago
Business Model of Godyence
Godyence epitomizes the convergence of PvP and P2E elements, defining a new standard for immersive gaming experiences. In Godyence, players embark on a space travel adventure, where they engage in strategic battles and collaborative missions. The game incorporates PvP mechanics, allowing players to test their skills against competitors in exhilarating matchups. Additionally, Godyence implements a P2E framework, enabling players to earn rewards through gameplay achievements and in-game contributions.
Analyzing Godyence's business model reveals a multifaceted approach to revenue generation. The game leverages in-game purchases for cosmetic items and customization options, appealing to players seeking personalization. Furthermore, Godyence's P2E mechanics offer a unique value proposition, as players can earn tangible rewards by participating actively in the game ecosystem. This integrated approach not only fosters player engagement but also positions Godyence as a frontrunner in the gaming industry.
The impact of Godyence extends beyond its innovative gameplay and business model. By bridging the gap between PvP competitiveness and P2E incentives, Godyence sets a precedent for future game development. The game's success underscores the viability of hybrid gaming models that cater to diverse player preferences and economic trends. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, Godyence serves as a beacon of innovation and adaptability in a dynamic industry.
Business Models in P2E Games
Challenges and Future Outlook
Last updated 1 months ago
$GODEN Token
$GODEN Token plays a pivotal role in the economy of Godyence. Serving as the primary digital currency within the game, it enables transactions and the exchange of value among players. Players can earn Goden Tokens through various in-game activities, such as completing quests, winning battles, or trading assets. The scarcity and demand for Goden Token add a layer of complexity to the economy, fostering a dynamic marketplace where strategic decisions are made to maximize its utility.
Why Godyence?
Last updated 1 months ago
Presale 11%
Seed 3%
Private 6%
Public 2%
Team & Advisor 15%
Play to Earn 30%
Liquidity & Listing 6%
Marketing 13%
Ecosystem 18%
Staking 7%
$GODEN Token
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
Last updated 1 months ago
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
NFTs are another essential aspect of the Godyence ecosystem. These unique digital assets represent ownership of in-game items, such as spaceships, characters, weapons, or rare collectibles. The concept of NFTs provides players with exclusive ownership rights and the ability to trade these digital assets securely. The authenticity and scarcity of NFTs contribute significantly to the value proposition within Godyence, attracting collectors and enthusiasts seeking distinct items to enhance their gameplay experience.
In-Game Assets
Last updated 1 months ago
In-Game Assets
comprising a wide array of virtual commodities and resources, play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of Godyence. From customizing spaceships to acquiring potent weapons, in-game assets offer players opportunities to enhance their strategies and gameplay. The diverse range of assets available in Godyence allows players to personalize their gaming experience, fostering creativity and competition within the virtual universe.
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
Godyence Marketplace
Last updated 1 months ago
Godyence Marketplace
The Godyence Marketplace serves as the central hub where players engage in trading activities involving Goden Tokens, NFTs, and In-Game Assets. This marketplace acts as a catalyst for economic transactions within the game, enabling players to buy, sell, or exchange digital assets to advance their gameplay objectives. The transparency and security features of the marketplace enhance trust among participants, facilitating a seamless trading experience that drives the economy of Godyence.
The synergy between Goden Token, NFTs, and In-Game Assets is evident in the Godyence Marketplace, where the value of these elements is determined by market forces and player interactions. The marketplace reflects the dynamic nature of the Godyence economy, influenced by supply and demand dynamics, player preferences, and strategic decision-making. As players actively participate in the marketplace, they contribute to the evolving economy of Godyence, shaping its trajectory and competitiveness within the gaming industry.
In-Game Assets
Vision and Goals
Last updated 1 months ago
Vision and Goals

Empowering Players
Godyence places players at the heart of its ecosystem. They're not just consumers, but active participants, influencing the game's development, governance, and even earning rewards for their contributions.

Building a Thriving Community
Godyence aims to create a passionate community of space enthusiasts, gamers, and innovators, fostering collaboration and shared passion for the game.

Leading the Way in Decentralized Gaming
By leveraging blockchain technology, Godyence empowers players with ownership and transparency, opening the door for a fairer, more equitable future for gaming.

Scalability and Growth
Godyence aims to attract a large and engaged user base, expanding its reach and influence within the gaming world.

Financial Sustainability
By incentivizing player participation and fostering a thriving ecosystem, Godyence seeks to become a financially sustainable and profitable endeavor.

Technological Advancement
Godyence continuously strives to push the boundaries of gaming technology, exploring innovative features and leveraging blockchain advancements.
Godyence Marketplace
Player Engagement
Last updated 1 months ago
Player Engagement

Active and Dedicated Player Base
The platform boasts thousands of active players, contributing to the game's development and community.

High Player Retention
The engaging gameplay and ownership model have led to high player retention rates, indicating a loyal and passionate community.

Growing User Activity
The number of active players and in-game transactions continues to increase, showcasing the game's growing popularity.
Vision and Goals
In-game Economy
Last updated 1 months ago
In-game Economy

In-game Purchases
Players purchase virtual resources and assets, contributing to the game's economy.

NFT Sales
Players purchase virtual resources and assets, contributing to the game's economy.

Staking Rewards
Players can stake their tokens to earn passive income, supporting the game's growth and their own financial success.
Player Engagement
Gameplay Futures
Last updated 1 months ago
Gameplay Futures

Pilot advanced spacecraft
Customize their vessels, upgrade equipment, and test their piloting skills in intense space battles.

Discover new planets and galaxies
Uncover ancient secrets, gather resources, and build colonies in uncharted territories.

Engage in intergalactic diplomacy and alliances
Form alliances with other players, compete for resources, and participate in thrilling PvP events.
In-game Economy
Last updated 1 months ago
Phase 1
Website Lunch
Team Formation
Market Research
Release Whitepaper
Game Design ( Heroes,Item,etc)
Phase 2
Community Building
Strategic Partnerships
Marketing Campaign
Ecosystem Development
Audit Smart Contract
Phase 3
Seed Sale
Private Sale
DEX Listing
CEX Listing
Phase 4
Release Heroes
Release Marketplace
Initial NFT Offering
Beta Testing
Release Game
Gameplay Futures
Last updated 1 months ago

Alireza AA - CEO
An expert and outstanding leader, with brilliant management experience in the field of cryptocurrency and gaming industry. Planning and strategy in line with the development and growth of the game industry and expanding the link between games and digital currency space. Founding of new strategies and technologies in the game ecosystem. Realization of a unified and stable system with the aim of providing profitability for investors and satisfying gamers. Committed and a believer in intellectual interaction and key cooperation with small and large shareholders.

Sajad T - COO
Experienced Chief Operating Officer with a winning mindset and proficiency in managing organizations. Skillful in dynamic organization and internal and external communications. Expert in engineering and evaluating processes that lead to special profits. Effective and diligent in promoting and advancing the goals of sustainable development. Innovative and results-oriented with a proven track record in mastering and controlling critical conditions and creating positive changes.

Sorosh MZ - CTO
Senior Technology Manager with in-depth supervision and insight in technology and IT.•Well-known and long-standing activity in programming and networking. Eager to innovate and create programming frameworks. Graduate with certification in evaluating and testing web application security. ISO 9001 certified for programming team framework documentation and validation.

Ghazaleh MA - Art Lead
Head and leader of the art team. Possessing valuable and exciting experiences in the fields of visual art. A distinguished teacher and expert in the field of digital imagery.

Director and specialist in visual communication and graphic design. Specialized in hyper-real techniques and color theory in artistic works. Hosting and actively participating in art exhibitions and film studios.

A senior graphic designer with a tasteful and creative approach. A visionary and innovator in the field of image design and motion graphics. Proficient in design principles and visual communications.
Community Expansion
Last updated 1 months ago
Challenges and Future Outlook
In the gaming industry, it is customary for each game to generate revenue and confront various obstacles, prompting developers to meticulously devise solutions and consider alternative viewpoints to overcome these challenges.
Business Model of Godyence
Challenges faced in business models
Last updated 1 months ago
Challenges faced in business models
While P2E games like Godyence offer exciting opportunities for players and developers, they also face challenges in implementing successful business models. Ensuring a balance between rewarding player skill and maintaining the integrity of the game economy is a key challenge for P2E games. Moreover, regulatory considerations and market competition pose additional hurdles for the sustainable growth of P2E games.
Challenges and Future Outlook
Future trends and opportunities
Last updated 1 months ago
Future trends and opportunities
Looking ahead, the future of P2E games like Godyence appears promising, with increasing interest from players and investors in the potential of these gaming ecosystems. Emerging technologies such as blockchain and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are expected to play a significant role in shaping the business models of P2E games, offering new avenues for value creation and player engagement.
Challenges faced in business models
Why Godyence?
Last updated 1 months ago
Why Godyence?
Business models definitely play a fundamental role in the success and sustainability of P2E games like Godyence. By incentivizing player participation and rewarding in-game achievements, these models drive engagement, community growth, and revenue generation. Godyence stands as a notable example of a P2E game that has effectively leveraged its business model to create a dynamic and engaging gaming experience. As the P2E gaming industry continues to evolve, the adoption of innovative business models and technologies will be key to unlocking new opportunities and shaping the future of gaming.
Future trends and opportunities
$GODEN Token
Last updated 1 months ago
Community Expansion

Community Building in Online Gaming
Online gaming has transcended the boundaries of traditional solitary gameplay, evolving into a social activity that thrives on community engagement. Players now seek connections with like-minded individuals, forming communities that enhance their gaming experience. These communities foster camaraderie, competition, and collaboration, creating a dynamic environment within the gaming world.

The Rise of International Gaming
The rise of international gaming has further enriched the community-building aspect of online games. Players now have the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and regions, transcending geographical barriers. This global connectivity has not only broadened the player base but has also enriched the gaming experience by introducing varying perspectives and strategies.

Godyence: A Trailblazer in Community Expansion
Godyence stands out as a leading innovative PvP game that powers its ecosystem through community engagement. The game's immersive gameplay not only offers players a unique space travel experience but also encourages them to develop new strategies in a futuristic setting. By fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration among players, Godyence has successfully expanded its community on a global scale.

Space Exploration in Godyence
One of the defining features of Godyence is its emphasis on space exploration. Players are given the opportunity to embark on their first space travel experience within the game, immersing themselves in a universe filled with endless possibilities. This innovative approach to gameplay sets Godyence apart from traditional PvP games, offering players a new frontier to explore and conquer.

Developing New Space Strategies
In addition to space exploration, Godyence challenges players to develop new strategies that are uniquely tailored to the game's futuristic setting. By encouraging creativity, critical thinking, and adaptability, Godyence empowers players to hone their strategic skills in a dynamic gaming environment. This focus on strategy development not only enhances the gameplay experience but also fosters a sense of mastery and accomplishment among players.

Global Connectivity in Godyence
The global connectivity facilitated by Godyence has been instrumental in fostering community expansion within the game. Through in-game interactions, collaborative gameplay, and community events, players from around the world can connect, communicate, and form lasting bonds. This interconnectedness transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, creating a truly diverse and inclusive gaming community.
Partnership Opportunity
Last updated 1 months ago
Partnership Opportunity

The Power of Partnership
Godyence's ambitious vision for space travel wouldn't be possible without a carefully curated network of partnerships. The game has forged alliances with leading experts in various fields, including:

Space technology companies
These partnerships bring real-world expertise to Godyence's virtual space exploration, ensuring accuracy and realism.

Game development studios
Collaboration with renowned studios ensures a seamless and immersive gaming experience, pushing the boundaries of visual fidelity and gameplay mechanics.

Scientific institutions
These partnerships bring scientific rigor to the game's world-building, ensuring a grounded and engaging storyline that captivates players with its depth and complexity.
Engage in intergalactic diplomacy and alliances
Last updated 1 months ago